One of the oldest methods of healing, massage therapy works “hand in hand” with chiropractic and exercise therapy to improve therapeutic results for our clients.
Massage Therapy
Our therapists, with solid grounding in training and experience in several types of massage, combined with compassionate touch and intuitive skill, creatively tailor each session to accommodate your individual needs. While massage therapy is not a panacea, it is a well-researched therapeutic modality and is used commonly all over the world.
Massage therapy has been shown to be effective for muscle spasms, pain, stiffness and tension, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, which in turn improves toxin and waste excretion. improving athletic performance and exercise tolerance, decreasing and/or preventing bodily strain or injury, as well as enhancement of overall physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
At Helping Hands Chiropractic Center, massage therapy is a cornerstone of our treatment programs. We recognize that integrated treatment programs offer the best opportunity for success with spinal and extremity pain and dysfunction.
Our doctors have a profound appreciation for the effectiveness of massage therapy. Our massage therapists offer a variety of techniques and have studied with some of the best therapists in their fields.
We are able to treat a variety of skeletal, neuromuscular and myofascial injuries because we have integrated the best approaches with the most highly trained therapists.
A few of their approaches include:
NMT/Trigger Point Therapy (Travell)
Myofascial Release
Craniosacral Therapy (Upledger and Milne)
Structural Energetic Technique (SET)
Sports Massage Therapy
Deep Tissue Massage – Neuromuscular Therapy
Neuromuscular therapy (NMT)
Neuromuscular therapy addresses the relationship between the nervous system and the muscles. The body often develops patterns related to injury or repetitive activities and these can create chronic discomfort, tightness, and pain.
NMT uses varying degrees of pressure, movement, and stretching to facilitate a “re-patterning” of the relationship between the nervous system and muscular systems in order to reduce pain. The work is specific and often used with injury. aniosacral therapy
Craniosacral therapy has evolved from Cranial Osteopathy, a specialization of the osteopathic profession that was introduced in the 1930s by an American osteopath and visionary called William G. Sutherland.
Craniosacral therapists focus upon optimizing the position, fluid movement and energy of the craniosacral system. They may focus on bringing the craniosacral system back to balance in the central line of the body, called ‘midline.’
Craniosacral therapists generally interpret and treat the craniosacral rhythm, that occurs as a resuly of changes in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid within and around the craniosacral system.
This system consists of the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system), the cerebrospinal fluid that lubricates the brain and spinal cord, the surrounding meninges (membranes), and the bones of the spine and skull that house these membranes.
The purpose of craniosacral therapy, quite simply, is to enhance the functioning of this system by examining the movement of the bones of the system, locating restriction points that result from injury, and by monitoring and manipulating the energy manifestation of the system as a whole.
Craniosacral therapy is gentle, quiet and utilizes light pressure on the body. It offers our patients yet another approach toward treatment of injury and dysfunction and is an excellent compliment to the other massage therapies that we have at HHCC.
Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET)
Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET) is a body restructuring therapy that incorporates medical massage techniques and is based on the individual needs of the client.
The SET therapist works from the client’s problem areas and releases the specific areas of pain. Often, a structural imbalance is responsible for the soft tissue problems that cause the discomfort. The SET therapist restructures the body by releasing the toxins and fluids in the muscles and decreasing inflammation, myofascial holding patterns; adhesions and scar tissue.
Once the pain (usually the initial complaint) is reduced, the therapist works to release the other structural limitations that were responsible for allowing the body to maintain the structural imbalances that produced the pain.